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Saturday, December 26, 2009

The family experience

I'm putting my makeup on in the bathroom. The light is a horrible florescent. It makes a horrid buzzing noise. My eyes look as if I have not slept in days. Dark dark rings. I start to wonder if they are real. The slight bug-ish buzzing noise that the light is making scares me. It reminds me of those scary movies. The ones where people are in nasty cheap hotels and you can hear the buzzing of light bulbs. I hear those noises. Eric's uncle is asking awkward questions. It smells musky. The food is regular. Nothing great. Nothing bad. His four foot Grandmother is dragging herself around the house. She has a hunchback almost as tall as her head. What an adorable small creature. Feet and face of an elf. Eric's uncle reminds me of the physical traits Robin Williams has in "One hour Photo". He has Big glasses that he is constantly pushing onto his nose. Pants pulled up to his chest. He has a button down shirt tucked into his pants. His hair is parted in the middle and combed onto the sides. He tells stories that are suppose to be funny. The funny part is his laugh. We laugh along. Christmas day comes. Family arrives. They see me, they see a new face. They seem to avoid an introduction. I find that strange. We turn on the television. Julia Child's is on the screen. She is speaking in her horrible accent. She is teaching some horrible cooking recipe. I'm watching lamb curry. I'm watching people go by. I'm watching my life... I'm watching what my christmas is. I'm watching and watching and watching. Finally hours later we leave. Am I relieved? Yes! Time for normal... time for boring.

Sake Sake Sake Bomb

I sit here. I listen to him breath. I walked him home. He put his weight on my body. I took it with no complaint. He yelled. He cursed. Why do I bother? I love him I guess. I shower him. I watch him. I'm afraid he might fall. I lie him to bed. I take my blanket. I sleep on the couch. Come back to check, he's asleep on the floor. So I sit here... I listen to him breath. I wonder... I dream... I drift into what I wish was real. My mind floats away. I need to sleep I need to dream. Dream of better things. Better ways. Better days. Better cocoa butter rays. Poetic Snoetic... Might as well be Joenetic. Would not could not. Fix his mother fucking box. I ruin a friendship I have no control of. I'm conspicuous. Why now. Why make me look like a cow? Fuck off you mother fucking ox in the shape of a fox. Rules? What rules? We live by no rules. We write by no rules! We only think and speak.

Saturday, December 5, 2009


Wedding tomorrow! Or should I say today. I'm excited becuse for once I feel like the people getting married should be. It's not gonna be all awkward and ooo hey were just here because you invited us. I feel like its gonna be a celebration of two amazing people that really belong together. I guess this is what weddings are really for. Unlike the ones I'm use to. People getting pregnant or just want to have sex and their religious reasons. Lame. I know I want to marry my little emacarooni (lovers call eachother gay names like that right? This one might stick it has a nice eeewwwie lame-ness too it and makes me want to scrunch my nose and kiss Eric's cheek.) I tell Eric his new nick name all he has to say is "Oh, no!" which I was expecting or the classic "O, God." -Eric Justin Mcdoodliepants.